Tuesday 7 July 2015

5 Ways to a Flat Stomach

Photograph by Piers Vernon-Kell

One thing I always get asked for is tips about getting a flat stomach, so I though I would Share my Top 5 Tips.

Make sure you know what your BMR is and also what your correct macronutrients are for your goals. If you really want to cut that belly fat then you need to take control of your nutrition and make sure you are disciplined. I like to use this calculator for my clients to work out roughly what they will be needing http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/macronutrients_calculator.htm
I always say... " You can't Manage what you don't measure"

2. EAT! 
Eating too little will force your body into "starvation mode," which will cause it to store added fat for energy. Make sure you eat frequent small meals and eat for your body's needs and not the wants.

Cardio is one of my least favourite things to do when it comes to workouts, but it really does need to be done to burn that fat! I am trying to fit it in three times a week and do around 35-45 mins each time. Interval training is incredible for burning fat too. 

Opt for complex, starchy, and fiber-filled carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, legumes, oats, leafy greens, and asparagus, which are digested slower.

Make sure you give your abs a good blast in the gym. I don't over train my abs but I do dedicate some time in the gym to experiment with all sorts of core exercises to make it interesting as well as challenging and effective. My Fav exercises at the moment are.. Hanging Leg Raise, Spider Man, V-Ups and Planking Variations.

Hope this helps you a little MyGymspirationTeam. Keep up the hard work, and remember most of all keep if fun.

In Health and Fitness

Sonia Yasmin Ali


Hi and welcome to my new blog ;)

Hi guys, thank you so much for logging on to my new blog. I wanted to start this brand-new blog showing you the ins and outs of my brand-new healthy Lifestyle. I fell in love with fitness over a year ago now and have been training in various different styles and trying lots of different healthy food ideas. I hope I can share all of my experiences with you here and also create a positive likeminded community. 

Please don't be scared to comment like and share and even contribute to my blog. All opinions welcome. 

Yours truly in health and fitness

Sonia Yasmin Ali